
Porto Alegre Salgado Filho Airport – Spotting Guide
April 8, 2019
Rotorua Airport – Spotting Guide
April 22, 2019
Porto Alegre Salgado Filho Airport – Spotting Guide
April 8, 2019
Rotorua Airport – Spotting Guide
April 22, 2019Hamilton Airport – Spotting Guide
- last modified on April 22, 2024

Hamilton Airport (HLZ/NZHN) is a small regional airport located south of Auckland in the northern center of the northern Island of New Zeeland. The airfield serves some daily flights to bigger cities like Auckland with Air Newzeeland ATR72s or Dash 8s. In addition, there is quiet a lot of General Aviation in HLZ plus the airfield is home to the Hamilton Aero maintenance located in the southwest: the facility sometimes attracts rarer, bigger aircraft like A320s.
Written by Severin Hackenberger in cooperation with Thomas Rings. Last Update: Spring 2024
General Information | |
Terminal | There is one small terminal in the east handling all flights. |
Runway | The airport has three runway: a grass one 07/25, a small asphalted 18R/36L and the main 18L/36R runway with a lenght of 2195m/6755ft |
GA Hangar – All runway movements + Ramps | |
WHERE | This spot can be found on the western side of the airport between some GA hangars. Make your way to Steele Rd towards its turning circle/eastern end. There you will see a big hangar behind a big old. Park your car in front of Waikato Aviation just left of that, pass the tree and head for the fence/crash gate marked on the map. |
WHAT | From here you can nicely all movements on both runways plus the ramp in the back. In addition, you can also spot the grass apron just in front of you. |
TIME | From later noon till sunset. |
MISC. | Haze can be an issue during summer months. The crash gate is not parallel to the runway, so spotting thru the gate is quite tough. A small ladder with 1-2 steps or a box or similar would be very helpful, otherwise you can shoot over the gate/fence with live-view as well because it is not that high. Nothing else around. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 24-300mm ATR72 on runway = 155mm |

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