
John Glenn Columbus Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
April 24, 2018
Toronto Pearson Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
April 27, 2018
John Glenn Columbus Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
April 24, 2018
Toronto Pearson Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
April 27, 2018Dallas/Fort Worth Airport – Spotting Guide

Dallas/Fort Worth airport (DFW/KDFW) is one of the biggest (ones) in the US and handled more than 87 million passengers back in 2024. DFW airport is located between the two big cities Dallas and Fort Worth, which are both located in Texas. Apart from this, Dallas/Fort Worth is the worlds 12th biggest airport and the biggest and most important American Airlines’ hub.
AA and its regional partner airlines are dominating the market in DFW with more than 80 percent! Followed by Spirit Airlines and United Airlines. Even to its size, the international market is of lesser importance. Furthermore its a busy cargo airport with operators from all over the world like Qatar, Cargolux, DHL, FedEx, UPS, Singapore and many many more.
Back in 1927 Dallas suggested to open an airport together, but Fort Worth rejected – that’s why both cities opened their own one (Dallas = Love Field and Fort Worth = Meacham Field). After WW II and some problems Fort Worth wasn’t able to compete anymore with Dallas’ Love Field airport although FW opened a new one (called “Greater Southwest International Airport”). But due to capacity problems in Love Field and troubles with the FAA, which didn’t want to pay for two airports anymore, Dallas and Fort Worth were forced to talk about a common airport again. Back in 1969 the construction works began and in the winter months of 1973/74 DFW was finally opened with the first concorde landing in the USA. Back in these days, Dallas/Fort Worth airport was the worlds biggest and most expensive airport all over the world. Back in 1979 American Airlines moved from New York to Fort Worth and opened their major hub in DFW, which was the biggest success in its history.
Written by Severin Hackenberger, Julian Mittnacht, Yixin Chen, Reese, Achim Walter and Philipp Wennrich. Last change: March 2025 (new spot 4 added, 3 & 9 updated)
WHERE | This is the official spotting location for DFW airport, situated on the north side of the airport and next to RWY 18. It is accessable from the Airfield Dr wich connects the northern and southern spotting locations. Bu there are many directions to get there so please use a GPS. By public transport: use the shuttle bus from the terminals to the north remote parking and walk for approximate 5 minutes along the N Airfield Drive to the Plaza. But keep in mind there is no sidewalk! |
WHAT | A great location for the 18R arrivals, which is one of the busiest runways and usually most intercont. flghts arrive here as well as the cargo operators. 18L, which is used for the departures, is possible but there can be a lot of heat haze! Parts of the UPS ramp are in sight too. |
TIME | Great from afternoon until sunset. |
MISC. | There are benches and shadow to relax. Hotels and Restaurants are 2 kilometers away. Just follow the Mustand Dr. westwards. |
FOCAL LENGTH | Boeing 737-800 = 170mm, ERJ145 = 230mm, Boeing 777-200 = 110mm |

WHERE | This spot is located inside the Skytrain station for Gates B20-49 at the north-western end of DFW’s terminal. The best position inside the station is the left corner, because there you’ll have a free view onto the rigth and left taxiway. The station can easily reached by escalators from the terminal and is signposted everywhere clearly. |
WHAT | Good for all activities on the north-western apron, the opposite located cargo and maintance area and the nearby taxiway as well as activities on runway 18L/R and 36L/R. |
TIME | Light on runway is good till midday, on the apron/taxiway it depends on the angle, but mostly better in the morning hours – evening isn’t that good (depending on month, too). |
MISC. | Everything you need is inside the terminals.
A valid boarding pass is required to be able to get to this spot, which can be found after security check. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70 – 300mm |
WHERE | This spot is on the south, close to the fire training academy. Coming from the north, follow the W Airfield Dr southbound. After you have passed the training center and a flight school turn left. Turn left again and park at the end of this dead end road. |
WHAT | Best for landing on 36L. |
TIME | Great from afternoon until sunset. |
MISC. | There is nothing nearby. Better to keep a low profile. It is possible that you will send away by police as parking seems to be prohibited even if there are no signs stating this. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 135 – 300mm |

WHERE | The location is at the dead end of E30th St in front of the barriers. Access is from the south via Wallnut Hill and E Airfield Drive. From there drive into the E 30th St, pass the entrance to a gravel factory and stop by the concrete barriers. |
WHAT | Best for arrivals on runway 35C. Planes on taxiway ER passing by very close. |
TIME | Light conditions are good from sunrise till noon for the runway. Taxiway all day long. |
MISC. | Keep a low profile! Workers will pass by to reach the gravel factory. |
FOCAL LENGTH | Unknown |
WHERE | This spot is located by the roadside of “Block Drive” which leads you to an living Estate. Just search your favorite position along the roadside, where it’s difficult to park at due to some unclear parking restrictions. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 35R. |
TIME | Good from late midday until sunset. |
MISC. | Parking is difficult here as it’s not 100% clear, where it’s forbidden to stop exactly. No ladder needed and not recommended as you should keep a low profile here! No facilities nearby. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 100 – 300mm B738 = 160mm |
WHERE | This spot is located inside the parking area of a company, which is located south of “W Walnut Hill Lane”. Just enter this parking, best way from the just mentioned “W Walnut Hill Lane” and search your favourite position here, depending on your favorite angle. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 35R. |
TIME | From sunrise till midday. |
MISC. | No ladder needed and not recommended as you should keep a low profile here! No real food/drinks facilities nearby as a (fast food) restaurant or similar.
Why to prefer this spot to spot #7? |
FOCAL LENGTH | 120 – 400mm B738 = 185mm / A319 = 260mm |
WHERE | This spot is on the south, close to the fire training academy. Coming from spot #1 follow the W Airfield Dr southbound. After you have passed the training center and a flight school to your right you’ll see a street going downhill and on the left a gravel path. Just drive left into the path and park without blocking the way. |
WHAT | Arrivals on runway 35R. |
TIME | From sunrise till midday. |
MISC. | No ladder needed and not recommended as you should keep a low profile here! No facilities nearby. Parking is officially forbidden here by the roadside, but honestly nobody cares. Take the risk at your own! |
FOCAL LENGTH | 100 – 350mm MD80-90 = 165mm / B757 = 140mm / A319 = 205mm |
WHERE | Just park your car inside the picnic parking called “WD Harringtom Park” which can be found along “Valley View Lane” on the eastern side. Then cross the street and go some meters up into north(west)ern direction to get to the spot, where we took the example shot from. Your exact position depends on your favourite angle. |
WHAT | Arrivals on runway 31R. |
TIME | From early midday till sunset. |
MISC. | No ladder needed and recommended. A restroom can be found at the mentioned parking. No facilities for food or drinks nearby. TAKE CARE, WHEN CROSSING THE STREET, ESPECIALLY AS THE STREET MAKES A CURVE ON A SMALL HILL, WHERE THE PARKING IS LOCATED! |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70 – 300mm B767 = 125mm |
The mentioned parking area, which is also marked on the map:
WHERE | Coming from spot #1 drive the North Airfield Road eastbound straight on. After a while you’ll see a small supermarkt and a Shell station on the left. Turn left at the junction, pass the Marriott and the next left. Drive till the end until you see a private parking lot to the left. You can’t park on the lot but at the end of this dead end road and spot by the roadside too without disturbing objects or place yourself somewhere on the lot (9A). An alternative is the Subway Restaurant parking lot on the opposite side of the Marriott Hotel (9B). |
WHAT | Best for all arrivals on runway 17C. 17R are rare and too far. |
TIME | Light conditions are good from sunrise till noon. |
MISC. | Fast food stores and fuel station available nearby. There are also plenty of hotels in this corner. Both spots are on private property so you might be asked to leave. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 737 = 200 mm, CRJ700 = 250mm |
Spot 9A

WHERE | Continue southwards from the previous spot on N Airfield Dr southwards until you have passed the Fed Ex buildings. Then turn left into a small parking lot of a warehouse as marked on the map. |
WHAT | 17L arrivals only. |
TIME | From late midday till sunset. |
MISC. | Fast food store and fuel station available nearby. Keep in mind this is private property but we had no problems during our stays. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 773 = 180mm; A320/737 = 400mm |

WHERE | This spot is located inside the Skylink station of the Gates C20-C39 and can only be entered after security check with an valid boarding pass. Once you reached the station, just search your favourite position along the glassfront of this station. |
WHAT | All activities on runway 17L/35R and 17C/35C as well as some apron and taxiway actions. |
TIME | From late midday till sunset. |
MISC. | No ladder needed and useful. Restrooms, food and drinks can be found inside the terminal easily. A valid boarding pass is required to be able to get to this spot, which can be found after security check. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70 – 400mm |
All example shots were taken from the position, which is marked red here:
Other direction:
WHERE | Drive to the Delta Cargo facilities which are south of Terminal E. A car is needed to get there. The facility can be reached from the North Service Rd exit AERO DFW Commerce Center. At the end of this dead end road, next to the perimeter fence, there are a couple of lots which are not reserved for the stuff. From there you can photograph the departures. |
WHAT | 17R departures only. |
TIME | From late midday till sunset. |
MISC. | Nothing nearby. Keep in mind this is private property so keep a low profile. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 772 = 160mm; A320 = 200mm |
WHERE | This spot is located in the Grapevine Honda parking lot by the mesh fence under the power lines. The planes fly low enough to where power lines don’t block the approach path, but tops of trees can sometimes be in the bottom of your pictures. You can bring a ladder to see a bit better over the fence since it’s a bit high, or shoot through the fence. |
WHAT | 13R arrivals only. |
TIME | From late midday till sunset. Best to spot at evening since the sun is on the planes more and there aren’t as many heatwaves |
MISC. | There are no foods or drinks here |
FOCAL LENGTH | 300-400mm for narrowbodies |
Hi Julian,
I am happy to give you some result at DFW airport shooting conditions on 21.11.24.
You posted #5 where was almost impossible to stop nor parking your car. I totally fed up at tge #5 position.
Your #3, I actually parked a car next to BP Aerospace facility, then we can stand on the mound. We saw some police and security cars in 90 minutes. None of them came to me. I enjoyed afternoon shots from this place. I didn’t bother your #3 actually, the place I spent the place was good enough to me.
Just visited spot 4 and got kicked out, the officer said it is a construction site and they don’t want people there.
As of today, the spot 4 did clear up, but it now seems to be a private property judging by the sign next to the entrance. I don’t know if they will be happy with people using it, but they did open the door.
Not cleared. people are there I’d recommend you don’t go to it.
As it is private property now I think it is better you do not go there anymore. Any alternatives for 36L?
Hey everyone, thanks for all the fantastic information about DFW Airport. As a brand-new channel, I really appreciate the tips for getting the best shots. I’ve been focused on the Founders Club, but I’m excited to explore other areas too.
howdy. I’m a smaller YT channel who’s been only doing videos at DFW/DAL and across the country for 2 years, but I’m based in DFW and have been going there to planespot for 14 years now. I’ve made a collection of some newer spots, which there are a lot of.
I don’t want a ton of people to know about these spots but i’d be glad to add pictures of them, but NO ADDRESS. I’m one of the more original DFW Planespotters and people like RUNWAY DFW (livestreamer at DFW/DAL) just steal them, or huge crowds show up at Founders’ Plaza because of it unlike where before the pandemic, like 10 people at most would be there.
I hope you find this interesting and would consider adding them.
YT: DFW Planespotters
Twitter: @Bearaviation
I went to the area on construction road and there was no construction done whatsoever. Everything as of January 2024 is open and spotting there was good.
Pls use this link for new locations https://www.spotterguide.net/guide-update/
There was a place by corporate aviation I was going to check out but got the wrong GPS which took me to the new AA building which I was told I couldn’t be there since it’s private property nor anywhere in that area.
I stayed in the Grand Hyatt DFW last month and the rooftop swimming pool is open again.
Hi John, is it possible to provide us some pictures from the rooftop swimming pool via email to support@spotterguide.net?
Thanks, Julian
At spot 4 on the south side just past the construction site heading east, make a left on SW Construction Road. Just before the road curves to the right, there is a construction site entry and a concrete entrance/ramp that you can park on for however long you want to park and security will not kick you out. Sometimes security will ask you what you are doing or if you are ok, so just tell them you are watching planes and they will be fine with it.
Hi, I can’t really find it on the map. Is it possible to send us the GPS coordinates and some photos to support@spotterguide.net please.
Thanks, Julian
Coordinates are (32.8827021, -97.0448602)
Isn’t that a bit far for 36L arrivals? Almost 900 meters over ground? Guess there will be a lot of heat distortion.
It’s mainly for departures, but you can drive up to where the construction site is where the parking lot would have been to get closer
Also, there is technically a spot for 13R arrivals. You could go to the Walmart parking lot along Ira E Woods Blvd. for those arrivals, got good shots of planes coming in over there.
Is it possible to provide me photos from both locations via our form please. https://www.spotterguide.net/guide-update/
What Runway do Frontier normally land on? I will update on Grand Hyatt next month as staying for 5 nights. The hotel has informed me the pool area is still acessable to residents.
I recommend you to check the Flightradar24 playback function of the Frontier flights. There you can find out which runway they did use in the past days.