
Kos Airport – Spotting Guide
February 6, 2020
Singapore Seletar Airport – Spotting Guide
February 12, 2020
Kos Airport – Spotting Guide
February 6, 2020
Singapore Seletar Airport – Spotting Guide
February 12, 2020St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport – Spotting Guide

St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport (LED/ULLI) is the biggest airport of the city and oblast. With its 18 million passenger per year the airport is as well among the busiest in the whole of Russia – to be exact No. 4 (2018). It serves as hub for several Russian carriers and is also used as military airfield and for some very few cargo flights. The airport was opened back in 1932 south of the city center and was recently reconstructed heavily. As it was modernized now the airport is ready to greet more tourists, which is made possible by the governments new rule including easy E-Visa for the oblast of St. Petersburg. One can apply up to four days priot beginning of travel and doesn’t have to prove and hand in as many documents as normally. Thereby the airport got interesting for us spotters as an quite easy and interesting destination, that’s why we decided to finally make this guide gonna happen now…
However, LED/ULLI airport is mainly served by Russian carriers, which fly domestic flights and plenty international airlines from Europe and some heavies from Asia/Arabia as well. It offers quite a big variety of airlines and aircraft types and all over an increasing number of flights per year. That’s how the airport was able to handle four times as many people in 2018 than it did in 2004…
Written by Severin Hackenberger in cooperation with Sardor Durumov (also known as uzbekspotter) and Pavel Blokhin (both regular visitors/partly locals). Last Update: 2020
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Movements | ![]() |
Airline Variety | ![]() |
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Airport Information | |
Runways | |
10L/28R | 3.397m / 11.145ft – Concrete and cement |
10R/28L | 3.780m / 12.401ft – Concrete and cement |
Terminals | |
Terminal 1 | Was constructed from 2010 till 2013, when it opened finally after some delays. Back then, all regular passenger services were ferried to Terminal 1 for a while till the others got reconstructed. |
Pulkovo 1 | Was the major terminal till it reached its maximum capacity. After Terminal 1 opened, it was reconstructed/modernized and opened in 2014 for some domestic and intl. flights again. |
Pulkovo 2 | Was used for international departures and arrivals, but serves as second-hand terminal for governments and VIP flights nowadays after it was modernized in 2009. |
Spotting Information | |
Ladder | Not needed at most positions and not recommended. Along the fence you’ll probably always find a tree or hill to clear your view. |
Car/Public Transport | Car is definitely needed as soon as you want to leave spot #1. But driving may be dangerous and some ways are hard to use due to all the bumps and their conditions – especially after a rain. |
Restrooms | In the terminal and the mall only. Around the spots there isn’t any facility – at most the bushes.. |
Drinks/Food | Nothing around most spots. Main facilities therefore are the terminal and the mall. |
Hotels | Park Inn hotel just next to the terminal, which sells runway view rooms with a nice lookout – see the mark on the map for an example shot. |
Season | Winter is horrible regarding weather; summer is partly too hot and full of insects – bring insect repellent! Thus spring and late summer/early fall and the best times to come here. |
Security | Spotting is normally no problem at LED/ULLI, but it may be possible that security/police passes and checks you, which is also even very rare. However, we still recommend to keep a low profile in order to avoid inconviniences. We also recommend to have an ID with you in case you’re being checked. In case you use a ladder, we recommend to not show yourself very close to the fence or at least not for a long time. Rather always keep 5m safety distance, but using a ladder in general is not prohibited. |
Runway Usage | |
10L/28R | This runway is the major departure runway, which is only interrupted by some rare heavy arrivals such as B744, B777 and similar. |
10R/28L | Normally used for all arrivals (except some heavies, which take the other one) and sometimes some rare departures. |
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Spot #1 – Terminaldriveway – Runway 10L/28R + rampparts |
WHERE | This is the famoust spot at LED/ULLI airport and located on the terminal driveway. To get to the spot just follow these instructions: Exit the newest Terminal at the highest floor (where the Check-In is located) to the terminaldriveway. If you’re outside just walk into northern direction, until you get to a gate which is used by cars to enter the area. Then just get in between the barrier and the fence, so you’re a save of furious drivers. Choose your favourite position, this depends on the angle you like the most. |
WHAT | All arrivals and departures on runway 10L/28R and aircraft taxiing to the north-eastern part of the airport where some parking spaces are located. |
TIME | Light is good from later morning till evening hours |
MISC. | You can find restrooms, restaurants (e. g. McDonalds) and shops inside the terminal building or the Park Inn hotel. No ladder needed. Take care of cars and other vehicles which use the terminaldriveway. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70 – 300mm |

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Spot #2 – GAT – GAT apron |
WHERE | This spot is located just at the southwestern end of the GA apron. It may be hard to reach by car as there is no public and parking near, which is free of charge as long as you don’t wanna park on the dirtarea just next to the roadside close to the nearby shed. Probably the best way is to come here by foot from th terminal and then search a good position along the fence. |
WHAT | One can see the GAT’s apron from here. |
TIME | From late midday till sunset. |
MISC. | Security doesn’t like it if spotters hang around here for a long time. Therefore just come for a few minutes take your pictures and leave again. VIP don’t want to be seen for the money they pay mostly, respect the restrictions! Nothing around here anyway, nearest facilities are located inside the terminal. Unluckily we don’t have any clear statement whether one needs a ladder here or not as we heard both. One is suppossed to be able to use little mounds or concrete objects close to the fence to be able to clear the view. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-300mm |
Unluckily we can’t offer any example pictures from here, but an example may look like THIS.
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Spot #3 – Line-Up – 28L Line-Ups + arrivals |
WHERE | This spot was recommend to use by frequent visitors as good. However, we don’t know anyone how have been here personally and the locals we wrote didn’t reply. Anywayn, this spot is no exact location rather the area all along the fence/wall between the fencing/wall and the forest’s trees. Parking is hard again that’s why it is best to come here by foot and then to shoot from the surrounding trees or form your ladder as one needs an object in order to have a free view. |
WHAT | From here you can see arrivals onto runway 28L as well as Line-Ups and taxiies. |
TIME | Sunrise till late morning and then late evenings for Line-Ups again. Not useable in winter normally though. |
MISC. | Nothing around here, nearest facilities are located inside the terminal. Either ladder needed or one is suppossed to climb a tree close to the fence/wall to be able to clear the view. We recommend to bring a ladder in order to be able to shoot from wherever you want to for sure. However – if you use a ladder – don’t stay close to the fence for too long at once and keep a low profile – don’t be visible from airside all the time! |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-250mm AN26 taxiway = 95mm / Yak42 taxiway = 70mm / E190 runway = 160mm |
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Spot #4 – Gate – 28L Arrivals + 10L departures |
WHERE | This spot is located north of the eastern end of runway 10R/28L. As one can’t reach this spot by car properly, because one can’t get rid of its car here (as long as you don’t mind parking next to the gate on the field), the best way is to get rid of your car at the terminal or on the other side of the runway along one of those plenty field roads and walk here. Actually, this spot is no exact location, rather the area around here, thus you can choose your position yourself totally… |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 28L as well as 10R departures in far distance as you can see – 6th example picture. |
TIME | Sunrise till early midday and then late evenings for Line-Ups again. Not useable in winter normally though. |
MISC. | No ladder needed, nothing around here. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-300mm |
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Spot #5 – Runway head – 28L arrivals |
Well, this spot is no exact location as well as it is just located at the runway’s head below the approach path. Best way – yet again – is to get rid of your car somewhere nearby as this spot is not reachable by car directly, but no the fieldways are way close and the better option. So once you are around here, just search your favourite position wherever you want to, also depending onto the sun’s angle. The spot can be accessed with a car, but beware of the road conditions to this point. Sometimes the way is destroyed by rains during Summertime or by snowfalls at Winter. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 28L and maybe also front shots of 10R heavy departures. |
TIME | Depending on waht kind of shots you wanna get, but best time is in summer evenings or mornings. |
MISC. | Nothing around, no ladder needed. The nearest facilities are located inside the terminal. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-400mm
B787 = 120mm / A320 = 210mm |
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Spot #6 – Viewing point east – Runway 10R/28L |
This photoposition can be found close to the eastern end of runway 10R/28L just south of the line-up. It is a little dirthill just next to the fence, which is perfect in order to clear one’s view onto the runway. It can be reached best by car via some unnamed field roads – route is hard to explain, but is marked clearly on the map. You may also ask some locals for the mound. Its name in local languages is: Cпоттинг точка LED (Гнездо) |
WHAT | From here you can see arrivals onto runway 28L as well as Line-Ups and taxiing aircraft to this runway – those look like THIS. |
TIME | This spot can be used all year. In winter all day, in summer from late morning/early midday till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Nothing around here. Be aware of following danger: The spot can be accessed with a car, but beware of the road conditions to this point. Sometimes the way is destroyed by rains during Summertime or by snowfalls at Winter. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-300mm |
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Spot #7 – Viewing point middle – Runway 10R/28L |
This spot is located just a bit east of the middle of runway 10R/28L, to be exact on the opposite site of the terminal just once across the runway. It is a little dirthill just next to the fence, which is perfect in order to clear one’s view onto the runway. It can be reached best by car via some unnamed field roads – route is hard to explain, but is marked clearly on the map. However, best way is to turn off “Volkhonskoye Shosse” to the north, pass the industrial area and then turn of onto a field way, where you’ll have to make till the fence, where you can find the mentioned mound, but we don’t know, how far one can take its car (depending onto season and weather, too).
You may also ask some locals for the mound. Its name in local languages is: Hill’s name: Споттинг точка LED (Перрон) |
WHAT | All 10R/28L movements. |
TIME | This spot can be used all year. In winter all day, in summer from late morning/early midday till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Nothing around here. Be aware of following danger: The spot can be accessed with a car, but beware of the road conditions to this point. Sometimes the way is destroyed by rains during Summertime or by snowfalls at Winter. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-300mm |
Pictures taken at the spot look like the following ones – the location itsself looks like THIS:
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Spot #8 – Forest – Runway 10R/28L |
WHERE | Located south of the western end of runway 10R/28L, this spot is pretty easy to find on the map, but quite hard to reach. In addition this spot is no exact position, rather the area around here and there are two ways to reach this spot:
WHAT | From here one can see 10R arrivals perfectly. In addition, you will also see Line-Ups onto 10R here and taxiing aircraft. |
TIME | This spot can be used all year. In winter all day, in summer from late morning/early midday till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Nothing around here. Ladder is recommended, however one may also be able to spot from the mounds (or trees) around here, which can be seen in THIS VIDEO here at 11:04 minutes. Be aware of following danger: The spot can be accessed with a car, but beware of the road conditions to this point. Sometimes the way is destroyed by rains during Summertime or by snowfalls at Winter. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-250mm B757 = 120mm / A20N = 150mm |
Example pictures were – as one can see on the angle/view/backdrop – taken from different positions along the wall/fence here:
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Spot #9 – Field – 10R Arrivals |
WHERE | To reach this location, turn off “Volkhonskoye Shosse” to the north just after passing a railway bridge. Then follow this field path for roughly 1km, before turning right off when the main field path makes a left turn. Then you can literally just leave your car somewhere here and search your favourite position around here, but if possible on the field roads so you don’t destroy any plants… The spot can be accessed with a car, but beware of the road conditions to this point. Sometimes the way is destroyed by rains during Summertime or by snowfalls at Winter. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 10R. |
TIME | This spot can be used all year. In winter all day, in summer from late morning/early midday till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Nothing around here. Be careful don’t destroy any plants on the fields and to not block any field roads. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-300mm
B757 = 130mm / CRJ200 = 210mm |
Spot itsself can be seen on THIS VIDEO here at 10:40 minutes below the wingtip on the big field literally – examples taken from there look like these pictures:
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Spot #10 – Motorway – 10L departures + 28R arrivals |
WHERE | Located almost just under the arriving path, this spot is now pretty easy to find. However, it is maybe hard to reach by car, but however – when driving on the P23 motorway southbound – turn off just after passing the path light to the right. Now search your favourite position in the forest around here as this spot is no exact location, rather the spots where there are less trees and thereby more space to photograph. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 28R only – 10L departures are (as you can see below) too high. |
TIME | This spot can be used all year. In winter all day, in summer from late morning/early midday till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Nothing around, keep a low profile and away from the fence. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 100-400mm |
Hi Severin!
Great job! All right.
Great guide Severin. I think St Petersburg is my favourite Russian airport and it definitely deserves a guide. I’ve only taken photos from the terminal so far; next time I might be more adventurous!
Great job Severin, lot of thanks.