
Grand Canyon National Park Airport – Spotting Guide
May 28, 2019
Samos Intl. (Aristarchos) Airport – Spotting Guide
June 1, 2019
Grand Canyon National Park Airport – Spotting Guide
May 28, 2019
Samos Intl. (Aristarchos) Airport – Spotting Guide
June 1, 2019Poznań–Ławica Henryk Wieniawski Airport – Spotting Guide

Poznań-Ławica, Henryk Wieniawski Airport (POZ/EPPO) was named after Henryk Wieniawski, who is a famous polish violinist and composer. The airport is located in western Poland in Wielkopolskie voivodeship. It serves mostly LCC and charters as well as GA, also legacy carriers such as LOT, Lufthansa or SAS. In recent years the airport has also experienced some increase, not only in regular flights, but also in unregular military traffic due to US Army operations in Europe – for example: C17’s, Atlas 747, Atlas 767, OAI 777 and 767, C-12 Huron, rarely C-32 or C-40A, even An-124. 15km south east of POZ there’s a military air base – EPKS, 31st Tactical Air Base to be
precise, where 2 squadrons of Polish F16s are based. Time to time they come to POZ for training approaches. It’s not a daily thing, but it happens (to be honest F16s visits occure more often than widebodies)
Being opened in 1913, it’s one of the oldest airports in Poland and even in the world. Henryk Wieniawski Airport serves almost 2,5 million passengers per year and is located 7km west of the city centre. The airport can be reached by buslines 148 and 159 (stops directly infront of the main terminal).
Flight info may be found on airports webpage, which can be found HERE. The english version is very outdated and just the arr/dep section is current. You can also download the app, where you may see more flights: Poznań Aiport Guide available on Play Store.
In Poland the use of airband scanners is allowed. POZ TWR freq 119.980, APP 129.030
I’ve heard thatsometimes airport security comes and asks what you are doing here, and sometimes asks to leave. Whenever this happens (so when the security comes) be polite and tell them that you’re taking photos of planes and then they usually just leave. It has never happened to me on this airport that somebody wasn’t okay with my photographing.
Written by Michał Furmańczak, Paweł Moroziuk and Jakub Dybicz. Some photos provided by and Edward Makowski (all local spotters). Last Update June 2019
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Airport Information | |
Runways | |
10/28 | 2504m Asphalt |
Terminals | All Flights, terminal is serving both (domestic and international routes). |
Spotting Information | |
Ladder | At Some spots helpful or even necessary. See description. For the most popular position #3 it is okay without one. |
Car/Public Transport | In general the airport is quite small so you may go on foot to most of the spots as they are in walking distance from the terminal. If You want to go to locations in the north a car is recommended. Public transport is also available all around the airport in addition. |
Restrooms | Only at the terminal. |
Drinks/Food | Most spots have shops, supermarkets or petrol stations around. There’s also shopping centre (east-southeast of the airport; spot #7 is the nearest). You can find a few restaurants and bars around aswell. Buying stuff in the terminal is not recommend as it’s very expensive and there is a discount supermarket just across the road. |
Hotels | Moxy Poznan Airport, Comm (vis-a-vis terminal) – these two ar the closest ones. |
Season | The best season for spotting in Poznan, is definitely Summer or late Spring, because the traffic is way higher than in Winter or Autumn, in addition the weather is more “spotting friendly”. It’s caused by charter flights to holiday destinations (ENT, TVS, OHY, and many more different operators which are changing, depending on the year). |
Runway Usage | |
10/28 | Dominant wind direction is from the West so the probability of RWY28 in use is very high, however there is number of days when RWY10 is used (Eastern winds). |
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Spot #1 – Observation Deck – Apron |
WHERE | This is the only official location within inside the terminal. There is a small oberservation deck, landside, so no boarding pass is needed. Unfortunately you have to take photos through glass. It’s open 24/7. |
WHAT | You can take photos of aircraft standing on the apron, and during all ground operations. |
TIME | Usually the whole day as you can photograph different angles. |
MISC. | All terminal facilities (restaurants/bars, shops) on spot because it’s inside terminal. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 15-100mm |
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Spot #2 – Long term parking P6 – Apron |
WHERE | The location is on the long term parking lot P6 along the fence. Access by car is for free for 10 minutes. If you won´t pay a ticket you can park for free like mentioned at spot #3. |
WHAT | Aircrafts parkend and going in and out of the apron. You can photograph through the mesh (very tight gaps) but better to use a ladder. |
TIME | From afternoon till sunset. Be aware of heat distortion due to the distance on the ground! |
MISC. | Nearest facilities are within the terminal. When photographying near the fence, be careful and don’t touch it, because it has movement sensors all around and may alert the airport security |
FOCAL LENGTH | 90mm (for stands being closer to the fence), up to about 300mm Depending where exactly along the fence You decide to photograph. |

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Spot #3 – Spotting Hills – all 10/28 movements |
WHERE | This spot is next to the firestation along the perimeter fence and two spotting hill. To get there park at the official airport parking (very expensive) or use the street that runs parallel to the main road 307 (blue line on the map). From there cross the main road and walk up the dirt road till you reach the perimeter fence directly at the runway. Now you can spot from one of the small mounds or stay at the fence if you have a two step ladder. You can’t drive on the dirt road along airport’s fence without a ticket! Additionally: 10min park in the terminal area is for free, so if some rare aircraft comes you can drive through the barrier, take the ticket, drive to spotting hills fast – although driving in there is officialy forbidden, so at your own risk -, take few shots and go back, You’ll fit in 10min free time. |
WHAT | This is the best spotting location as you can easily photograph all movements on runway 10/28. If you stay on the mounds you will have parts of the fence in your photo for aircraft on the taxiway that´s why we recommend to use a ladder and stay at the fence. |
TIME | From around 10:00 until 18:00 in the summer. All day during winter. |
MISC. | Nearest facilities are within the terminal. When photographying near the fence, be careful and don’t touch it, because it has movement sensors all around and may alert the airport security |
FOCAL LENGTH | You are very close to the taxiway: 100mm for B737 on the runway, 28mm for Airbus A321 on the taxiway |
How to get there
First spotting hill (A)
Second spotting hill (B)

From the fence

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Spot #4 – Rzemieślnicza Rd – 10 arrivals + Line-Ups and 28 departures |
WHERE | From the terminal drive all the way westwards on the 307 and at the next roundabout take the first exit and then the second right into Rzemieślnicza Rd. Drive all the way up till you see a car dealer to you left and the approach path to your right. Park your car on the side of the road. Officialy it’s no parking zone along the street, but the traffic there is very low, so usually you won’t have any problems. You can position yourself along this road to find your prefered angle, but may also approach the fence to see Line-Ups, therefore just walk in the dirty road to the fence and cross the field like this (marked on the map as well). |
WHAT | Best for arrivals on runway 10. 28 departurs possible but most of the aircraft are already quite high. You can also go to the fence to catch Line-Ups onto runway 10. In the summer mornings you can go up the road ab bit more to catch the arrivals. |
TIME | All day in summer and winter as you can change sides quickly. |
MISC. | Nothing around, bring with you what you need. Ladder recommended for Line-Ups. |
FOCAL LENGTH | Depending on Your exact position. Directly in line of RWY10 approach 55-200mm are enough and for aircraft departing RWY28 150mm-300mm should be enough. |
Southern runway side -> almost all day:
Overview/situation along the streetside for arrivalshots:
Northern runway side -> summer mornings:
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Spot #5 – Former Golf Course – Arrivals/Departures runway 10/28 |
WHERE | From the previous spot continue along the road and pass the approach line. After a hundreds meter you will see some huge building to your right hand side. After you have passed them turn right into a dirt road and drive all the way till the airport fence. There is a huge grassy area and you can position yourself along the fence with your ladder. |
WHAT | Optimal if runway 10 is used so you can photograph all arrivals and departures. Some arrivals on 28 that need the whole runway length and all 28 departures. |
TIME | Best to go there in the summer mornings until around 0900. Departures a bit longer when they turn onto the runway. All day backlit during winter! |
MISC. | Nothing around, bring with you what you need. Ladder is needed! When photographying near the fence, be careful and don’t touch it, because it has movement sensors all around and may alert the airport security |
Arrivals/Line-Ups (so side to side) on RWY10: 55mm = A330 / 85mm = Dash 8 Q400
Departure on RWY28: 120-130mm = B738 (depending on its altitude
Way to the position:
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Spot #6 – General Aviation Terminal |
WHERE | This spots is located next to the left and right of the GAT. Honestly it is no exact position, rather the area along the fence here depending on parked aircraft, other objects and the possible views then. There is crash gate to the left and the gate’s bars are wide so taking photos is easy, but it’s a lottery kinda lottery if you can catch something as the view might be blocked due to aircraft standing on the apron from time to time, but sometimes the view is clear as well (6B). Furthermore you can walk to the right (6A) till you see a huge double fence (ladder needed). |
WHAT | Here you have clear view on one the apron and ramp , where freighter, sport aircraft and GA are parked – be careful sometimes the number of GA aircraft is so high that it’s hard to take photos of the taxiing aircraft. Apart from this also arrivals on runway 28 as well as Line-Ups onto this. For winter photos you’ll have clear view for deicing pad. |
TIME | In winters all day in summer during the day, so from late morning till early evening. When aircraft are turning these times also may change. |
MISC. | Very huge ladder is needed as it is a double fence (6A). The closest facilities are Mc’D and BP petrol station. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 100-400mm for smaller aircaraft, like Cirrus SR-22, depending on their position 100mm = E195 on taxiway infront / 185mm = B738 landing on RWY28 |

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Spot #7 Bukowska street/Folwark Edwardowo – 28 arrivals |
WHERE | This spot is a small medow located 1,5km from the terminal, by the Bukowska street, the main street which leads from the town centre to the airport. Getting there by car: when leaving terminal’s car park drive east (left), towards the city centre. Pass the road leading to GA terminal, and then take first available left on the traffic lights, drive on to the small parallel road, and you are on the spot. You can park at the spot, just like shown on the overview photo. By foot: same story, after leaving the terminal go left towards the city, until you will see a red brick gate and “Folwark Edwardowo” banner on your left. It’s around 15-20 minutes walk. By bus: take the 159 line on the terminal, and disembark at “Lesnych Skrzatow” bus stop. |
WHAT | Runway 28 arrivals. 10 departures are usually too high, you’ll only get belly shots. |
TIME | All day in the winter, from around 10am to 18:00 in the summer. |
MISC. | There’s nothing at the spot, but there’s a Shell petrol station (5 minutes walk) with restrooms and snacks, or a shopping mall (10minutes walk), where you can find pretty much everything that you need. Both are located east of the spot – just follow Bukowska street towards city centre, you can’t miss them. I never had any problems with taking photos from this location, so you should be fine too. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 180-200mm for B737/A319, 188mm for Polaris, 250mm for the B762, 300mm for the An26 and Wizzair. |

Further possibility is to take photos through window in the waiting area of the Schengen gates 1-4. The main taxiway to the runway is just opposite and therefore most of the traffic passes by. You only need to take care of bypassing ramp equipment, which can be in your way.
The landside visitor’s terrace (spot #1) is currently closed due to construction works in the departure terminal. No information was given at airport information if it reopens again.
I’m glad that Henryk is getting all the recognition he deserves. No better violinist has ever come into this world.
Hi guys,
Finally a guide for my local airport! I just like to say, that there’s one more interesting, easy accesible photo location for RWY28 arrivals. Google maps coords 52.412316, 16.853488, example photo: https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/8704963. I can describe it and provide photos, just please give and email to you guys.
Btw: Michal, Jakub – great job guys!
Hi Pawel, thanks a lot for the kind words. We would be more than happy to add your position.
This is the easiest way: https://www.spotterguide.net/missing-photos-location/
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