Istrana Air Base (LIPS) is an Italian Air Force base where the 51° Wing is located. The 132° Gruppo “Buscaglia” is based here and flies the Eurofighter Typhoon F-2000. Recently, two TF2000 also joined Istrana as training aircrafts. Often nearby based Italian Tornados, F-35s, Frecce Tricolori MB339s and USAFE F-16s will perform low approaches at the base. Leonardo occasionally uses the base to test the military performance of its NH-90 helicopters being built in Venice.
The airport was built during the First World War and later upgraded in 1954 with the arrival of the 51° Wing, equipped with P-51s and P-47s. In the following years the flight line saw a switch between F-84G/F and F-86K, as well as the G-91R. From 1963 the wing received the F-104G/S and operated them until 1999. The AMX A-11 aircraft was introduced in 1989 and saw heavy participation in the NATO operation Allied Force as well as deployments in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Kuwait). From 2019 Istrana started receiving the first Eurofighters, becoming the only wing flying different types of fighter jets. The base also took over the QRA duty for the North of Italy and nearby countries. In April 2024 the AMX A-11 aircraft was removed from service with a public farewell ceremony.
Written by Andrea Spoladore and Tommaso Dal Maso. Last Update: April 2024 – Spot 7 added
Rating |
Movements |
Photo Locations |
Weather |
Airport Information |
Runways |
08/26 |
2,992 m (9,816 ft) Asphalt |
Spotting Information |
Ladder |
There is no need for a ladder, mind it’s a military base therefore you can’t use a ladder near the fence. |
Car/Public Transport |
Car is recomended to move around spots to catch most movements, however spots 1-2-3 can be reached on foot from the train station. |
Drinks/Food |
There are several bars and restaurants in the center of the town, not too far from the spots. |
Hotels |
There are few hotels and B&B in Istrana and another one in Pezzan, north of the airfield. |
Season |
All year round, winter might be preferred to avoid haze in Spot 2 and 7. |
Security |
As every military bases try to keep a low profile, do not stand close to the fence. Do not photograph anything inside the base, even though no buildings can be seen in the photo. Using a scanner for ATC is not advised as it’s illegal. |
Runway Usage |
General Info |
With calm winds, it’s almost unpredictable to know where they’re going to land and they can change runway at any given point but 26 is the preferred direction for arrivals. |
08/26 |
Eurofighters usually takeoff from runway 08 even with moderate winds, while visitors go up via 26. Most planes will land using runway 26, but mainly transport aircraft (especially P-180s) might also land using runway 08. QRA hangars are located next to runway 26 so during scramble missions the interested Eurofighters will takeoff using 26. |
Spot #1 – Vigneto – RWY 26 landings |
The Spot is located along an unpaved road on the side of the main road “Via Don F. Longato”. The car can be parked at the start of the unpaved road/alongside the vineyard. This location is connected to the train station with a sidewalk (takes circa 15 minutes). |
All RWY 26 landings; plus AMX departing from RWY 08, but they could be already a bit high from here. |
From sunrise to sunset in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 17pm. |
Sometimes Police arrives for some checks but they’ll usually remain at the beginning of the road and shouldn’t give problems as it’s far from the fence. |
Around 300mm for AMX; 250mm for F-2000; 130mm for C130J-30 |
Spot #2 – Antenne – RWY 26 landings |
This Spot is located on an unpaved road that goes near the base, there is a parking lot at the start of this road. You can also arrive on foot here. |
RWY 26 landings; AMX take-offs from runway 08. Beware sometimes fighters can get lower than the fence while landing. |
From sunset to sunrise in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 17pm. |
Heath haze could be an issue during warmer days. Mind that there are some fields and tractors sometimes need to use the road. It’s highly advised to not get close to the fence or attempt to take photos of buildings inside the base. During some periods of the year corn crops might be in the way. |
400mm for AMX; 350mm for F-2000; 240mm for C-27J; 180mm for C130J-30 |
Spot #3 – Alpini – RWY 08 departures |
From the Alpini’s association house at the end of Via Aldo Moro, walk all the way down the dirt path towards the base. There is a big parking lot next to the Alpini’s house. It can also be reached by foot (takes about 15 minutes from the train station). |
Eurofighters departing from RWY 08, while AMX will still be on the ground or lower than the fence. |
From sunset to sunrise in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 17pm. |
Mind that the fields are used for crops therefore do not walk on them, sometimes tractors need to use the road. It’s highly advised to not get close to the fence or attempt to take photos of buildings inside the base. |
400mm for AMX; 350mm for F-2000; 270mm for C-27J |
Spot #4 – Bergamin – RWY 26 departures |
After passing Bergamin store, there will be an unpaved road to the right, leave your car here without blocking the road, mind that the space is very limited, then walk down the dirt path to the wanted location. This Spot can’t be reached with public transports or by walking. |
RWY 26 take-offs. |
From sunset to sunrise in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 17pm. |
Mind that the fields are used for crops therefore do not walk on them, sometimes tractors need to use the road. It’s highly advised to not get close to the fence or attempt to take photos of buildings inside the base. |
400mm for AMX; 350mm for F-2000 |
Spot #5 – Via Munara – RWY 08 arrivals |
From the main road “Via Nazionale” take a left-hand turn into via Munara and leave the car on the side of the road without creating obstruction, then walk near the fields to find the wanted location. This Spot can’t be reached with public transports or by walking. |
RWY 08 arrivals (very rare!) |
From sunrise to sunset in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 17pm. |
Mind that the fields are used for crops therefore do not walk on them, sometimes tractors need to use the road. |
Around 300mm for AMX; 250mm for F-2000; 130mm for C130J-30 |
Spot #6 – Via Monsignor Farina – RWY 26 arrivals |
From Via Monsignor Farina walk down this path on the right and you’ll arrive to the desired location. You can leave your car at Spot #1 and walk to here. |
All RWY 26 landings; plus AMX departing from RWY 08, but they could be already a bit high from here. |
During summer only, after 5 pm until sunset. |
This spot is not commonly used because movements at this time of the day are quite unusual. |
Around 300mm for AMX; 250mm for F-2000; 130mm for C130J-30 |
Unfortunately we cannot provide photos from this spot. If you do so, please don`t hesitate to contact us.
Spot #7 – Via Armando Diaz – All 08/26 Movements |
At the end of Via Armando Diaz. You can park your car on the side of the road after it becomes a dirt road. Walk up to the fence for photographs. |
All RWY 26 operations on ground, RWY 08 landings on ground and takeoffs in-flight (if kept low). Here you can also catch helicopters landing and taking off from the center of the runway. |
From sunrise to sunset in winter, while during the summer, only from 8am until 5pm. |
Only go here to take the photo and then move away from the fence. Posting photographs with military infrastructure in the background is highly not advised. The spot is tolerated only for a short period of time! Heath haze could be an issue during warmer days. You can either use a ladder or mount on top of the water duct and shoot through the barbed wire, but make sure you do not move it! Shooting through the gate is possible but difficult. |
230mm = F-2000 / 200mm = F-4 |