Montevideo Carrasco Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
November 5, 2019
Braunschweig Airport – Spotting Guide
November 11, 2019
Montevideo Carrasco Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
November 5, 2019
Braunschweig Airport – Spotting Guide
November 11, 2019Grand Hyatt SFO Airport

So close...
The brand-new Grand Hyatt at SFO opened its doors to the public in early October. At first glance, it's a standard airport hotel, but the location of the hotel turns out to be a dream for a plane spotter. Sandwiched between Highway 101 and the airport it faces pier A of the International Terminal. Many rooms, especially the "Runway View Room" or the "Corner Suite", offer a perfect view on the ramp, and even runway 01 movements are within sight. The rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows and they are equipped with a plane spotting guide and binoculars.
The hotel has its own AirTrain station which provides direct access to all the landside facilities of the airport. Room prices start at around USD 200 per night.
For more detailed information check the hotel's official website !